Interview with Guillermo Fernández Vara, President of Extremadura

Guillermo Fernandez Vara presidente de Extremadura

Federico Quevedo talks on Capital Radio’s program ‘El Balance’ with the president of the Government of Extremadura, Guillermo Fernández Vara, about the Easter holidays in the pandemic. The Easter holidays is near and many regional governments are beginning to consider relaxing restrictions in view of the good evolution of the data. In fact, at the […]

Interview with Cuca Gamarra, PP spokesperson in Congress

Cuca Gamarra portavoz del Partido Popular en un miting

On Capital Radio’s ‘El Balance’ programme, Federico Quevedo interviews Cuca Gamarra, national spokesperson for the Popular Party in the Congress of Deputies. Today the report of the Council of State that has evaluated the Spanish Royal Decree that regulates the distribution of European funds, has been published. A report that the Popular Party and Ciudadanos […]

Interview with Elías Bendodo, councillor of the Presidency of Andalucía

Elías Bendodo en una rueda de prensa de la Junta de Andalucía

The week ends with Federico Quevedo‘s interview with Elías Bendodo, councillor of the Presidency, Public Administration and Interior of the Andalucía’s Government; on Capital Radio. This Sunday, 28 February, the Day of Andalucía, will be celebrated in a different way, with a special remembrance for the people who died of COVID-19. This year, to celebrate […]

Interview with Ana Camins, General Secretary of the Popular Party in Madrid

Ana Camins Secretaria General del PP en Madrid

This Monday Federico Quevedo interviews Ana Camins, General Secretary of the Popular Party in Madrid and senator appointed by the Assembly of Madrid. The renewal of the General Council of the Judiciary (CGPJ) is one of the current issues, after the Government and the Popular Party have begun to negotiate it again. However, according to […]

Interview with Melisa Rodríguez, Ciudadanos national spokesperson

Melisa Rodríguez, portavoz de Ciudadanos

Federico Quevedo interviews Melisa Rodríguez, national spokesperson for Ciudadanos, on Capital Radio’s ‘El Balance’ programme. Rodríguez talks about the failures of the orange party in Cataluña and takes stock of the results of last Sunday’s Catalan elections. The spokeswoman comments on the framework that is opening up in the region and says that Salvador Illa “cannot present […]

Interview with Carles Campuzano, former PDeCAT deputy in Congress

Carles Campuzano exdiputado del PDeCAT en el Congreso

On ‘El Balance’ of Capital Radio, Federico Quevedo analyses the results of the Catalan elections with Carles Campuzano, former PDeCAT deputy in the Congress of Deputies. Carles is now director of Dincat, an organisation with almost 300 foundations, associations and cooperatives that work with people with intellectual disabilities and their families.However, he admits that “you […]

Interview with Carlos Cuadrado, director of the Ciudadanos campaign in Catalonia

Carlos Cuadrado

On Capital Radio’s ‘El Balance’ programme, Federico Quevedo interviewed Carlos Cuadrado, Ciudadanos’ campaign manager in Catalonia. Cuardado shared different opinions on the results of the Catalan elections on Sunday, 14 February. The campaign director insisted on the importance of voting in these elections despite the complications arising from the pandemic. He also pointed to the […]

Interview with Guillermo Díaz, deputy of Ciudadanos in the Congress for Málaga

Guillermo Díaz, diputado en el Congreso por Málaga de Ciudadanos

On Capital Radio’s ‘El Balance’ programme, Federico Quevedo interviews Guillermo Díaz, Ciudadanos deputy in Congress for Málaga. “A candidate for the motion of censure has to make proposals… It was a pure and absolute Vox marketing rally”. Listen to the full interview in the following audio: Through ‘El Balance’, Federico Quevedo’s program on Capital Radio, […]