The national MP of Ciudadanos, Guillermo Díaz, was in charge of presenting in Parliament the Law for the Memory, Dignity and Reparation of all Victims of Terrorism. In the end, this initiative did not go ahead, as it received 179 votes against and 143 in favor. On this and the circumstances surrounding the Proposition of Law, the Ciudadanos deputy talks to our colleague, Federico Quevedo, on Capital Radio’s program, El Balance.
The announcement by the ETA prisoners’ collective
Specifically, the day before the debate on this initiative, the ETA prisoners’ collective published a communiqué in which they admitted that the welcome given to prisoners when they leave prison causes “pain“. However, Ciudadanos criticized that this announcement is no coincidence. “After more than 700 days of legislature and after 300 tributes, they decide to release the statement the day before the Socialist Party has to vote on this law”, criticized Díaz.
For the MP, “to study the cause of a murder in order to qualify the murder is to empathize with the murderer”. Díaz is concerned about this perception in Spain and insists on taking into account “the pain of the people who see how the government has as its preferred partner a party presided over by a terrorist”.
Guillermo Díaz insists that the “left is fascinated by nationalism because they believe that Spain is an invention of the right”. In Spain the opposite is true, so that “this perception is devastating as a country”, according to Díaz. In other countries the opposite is true, as the MP explains where the left is more centralist.
Whitewashing of pro-ETA organizations
The rejection of the Ciudadanos Group’s law can be considered as a whitewashing of the pro-ETA organizations. According to Díaz, “it is the price of supporting the investiture and the budget of EH Bildu”. The Ciudadanos MP explains that Otegui’s party has become a valid interlocutor “and this should not be allowed“. The law presented by Ciudadanos prevents the erasure of everything that terrorists have done in the past.
Also, Díaz insists that it is not acceptable to leave it up to the terrorists to be honored or not. A tribute to any other criminal “would be prevented by the state”.
Listen to the full interview in the audio below:
Through ‘El Balance’, a program hosted by Federico Quevedo on Capital Radio, Influence Spain is able to expand its network of contacts within the national, regional and municipal spectrum.